The Shetland Sheepdog is an outstanding companion dog with a delightful temperament. Gentle, loving,sensitive, loyal, very lively, intelligent and trainable. The Shetland Sheepdog is one of the smartest breeds, very willing to please and obey. These dogs are so smart that many fanciers consider them to have almost human intelligence. Loving, loyal and affectionate with its family, but suspicious with strangers, especially with children, but they will put up with a lot from children in the family. This breed needs people and must be raised in a home where he can have a lot of companionship. Scroll down the page to learn more about the Sheltie breed. PUPPIES AVAILABLE: Sorry we are not breeding shelties at this time. Thank you for looking! ADULTS AVAILABLE: Sorry our adults are all retired into their forever homes. Thank you for looking!
Ch PUPPY INQUIRIES: When we have puppies available, we welcome your inquiries. Please supply us with some general information about yourself, your location, and whether you have owned a sheltie before. We would also like to know if you are interested in a show, performance or companion dog. This information will help us to respond to you with the most appropriate information. Thank you. We offer quality puppies for show, performance and companionship to loving, responsible homes only! It is our wish that our puppies will continue to receive the same kind of love and care they have received in our home. Our puppies are home-raised with children and other animals for maximum socialization. Our puppies are CKC registered, microchipped, vaccinated, dewormed, dewclaws removed, and come with a written health guarantee. We also include a puppy care package containing all the information you will need to help you raise your new puppy. We sell puppies as "show", only if we would be proud to show them ourselves. Also, since we wish to keep our numbers small, we often sell some of our pick puppies to approved, show homes. Pets are sold on a strictly (CKC) NON-BREEDING, SPAY/NEUTER CONTRACT only. We do ship to approved homes when necessary. We reserve the right to refuse a sale.
We believe that it is very important to learn as much as you can about the breed you are interested in adopting into your household. Below you will find some information about the Shetland Sheepdog that we hope will be a good starting point for those of you that have never owned a Sheltie. We are very careful about placing our puppies into responsible, caring homes where they will continue to receive the same kind of love and care they have received in our home. Whether you are thinking of adopting a new puppy or an older dog, it is essential to have discussions with everyone that will be responsible for his/her care. If you would take a few moments to read the poem at the bottom of this page, you will find that it effectively illustrates the ideal, loving relationship that should exist between the master and his dog. Sheltie Origin The SHETLAND SHEEPDOG used to be called the 'Toonie,' a name taken from 'tun,' the Norwegian word for the front yard of a farmhouse. Thus the Toonie was the farm dog whose place was the unfriendly terrain of the Shetland Islands that lie off the north-east coast of Scotland. His job was to control small flocks of sheep and to watch over toddlers at their play. To this day the Sheltie displays a strong sense of boundary - a legacy no doubt from these early working days when to overstep the line meant a fall from a rocky cliff into the cruel sea. It is thought the Sheltie's ancestors were the Yakkie, an Icelandic breed brought to the islands by whaling fleets, the Norwegian Buhund and the small collie. In appearance, the early specimans were far from being the elegant 'miniature Collie' of today. But after the end of the 19th century, when the breed reached the mainland, British breeders refined the type by means of various Toy breed crosses. In 1906, the Sheltie made its debut at Crufts Dog Show under the name Shetland Collie. But Collie breeders objected and the name was changed to sheepdog. The breed has become popular as a family pet suited to almost any accomodation. His exercise needs are easily satisfied with a daily walk and regular, thorough brushing attends to grooming needs. The Sheltie measures 13 to 16 inches at the shoulder; the double coat is dense and may be black, blue merle or sable marked with white and/or tan. He has a strong desire to please and excels in obedience work. (Dogs In Canada Annual 1999) Is a
Sheltie the Right Breed For You? The Shetland Sheepdog must exhibit sensitivity and responsiveness towards its owner in order to be considered to have true Sheltie personality or temperament. Sensitivity means that a Sheltie seems to be almost psychic in picking up and understanding the mood of its owner. When the owner is in a playful mood, the Sheltie knows and responds accordingly. When the owner is in a quiet mood, the Sheltie is quite happy to sit quietly with the owner. When the owner is upset, the Sheltie senses this and shows concern, sometimes with a worried look or a few gentle licks. The Sheltie knows when its owner does not want to be bothered and stays out of the way. Shelties are usually easy to train because of this sensitivity and responsiveness. They like to learn and please their owners. Sensitivity does not mean that the Sheltie is overly sensitive, fearful or cowers to sounds, people, objects etc., although it may appear that way if they become very confused about what is expected. Training can also be tricky with Shelties, however, as they usually try their hardest to do what you want, but because of their sensitivity they can easily become confused if you become upset or impatient. They often try to do something before you ask (anticipate) in order to avoid your displeasure... if you are already frustrated and impatient, this only makes matters worse. Realize that your Sheltie wants to do what you ask... slow things down, go back to an easier task and let your Sheltie be successful before you quit working... then praise, play and relax with your Sheltie. Next time you work with your Sheltie, you may be quite surprised that it has figured out what you want all by itself! Shelties exhibit some rather unusual behaviors at times and if one is not aware of these, they can be somewhat alarming. Many Shelties grin... thats right! Like a big smile on a person, Shelties sometimes bare their teeth in a huge grin. Dont mistake this for an aggressive curling of the upper lip although it can look a bit like it. The situation it occurs in should tell whether it is a grin or a snarl. When Shelties are happy and relaxed or playing, they may grin. Some just smile, with their lips closed. Some Shelties talk to their people in whines, grunts, groans, and even quiet growls, especially when being petted. Again, assess the situation. If your Sheltie is relaxed, it is most likely talking to you, not being aggressive. Another unique trait that some Shelties have is to cross their front feet when laying down. This can be quite an endearing behavior and females look especially ladylike when doing so. Some use their front feet like hands to hold onto things such as chewies or to catch frisbees. Your Sheltie may even have a sense of humor. Watch for little practical jokes your Sheltie may play. You probably wont believe this one until it happens to you! It may be necessary to place your Sheltie in a crate/kennel when you go out for the well-being of everyone involved. Shelties want to be with you and are not happy when left alone for long periods of time. Since Shelties were originally herding dogs, many still exhibit behaviors related to herding such as biting and barking at moving feet or brooms, mops and vacuum cleaners, circling people or objects, and chasing moving objects such as other animals, birds, planes and cars. Obviously, chasing cars can be fatal so dont allow your Sheltie to do this. In general, Shelties make great family pets. They can be very active and playful, and they can be just as happy sleeping at your feet when you are busy with other things. They do not require a lot of exercise... usually a daily walk or two will be enough. Most Shelties are good with children but there are some that would prefer to be left alone and will go off to a place where they will be left alone. Shelties can be very protective of their families, especially children of the family. (written by Yvonne Halkow) A Dog's
Prayer Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me. Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do. Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footsteps fall upon my waiting ear. When it is cold and wet, please take me inside, for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements. And I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth. Though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land, for you are my god and I am your devoted worshiper. Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life should your life be in danger. And beloved master, should the great Master see fit to deprive me of my health, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest--and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.