CH Starswept Barwood Breakaway Am CD, U-CD "Jesse"
Multiple Best Puppy In Group, Multiple Best of Breed, Group Placer, Sire of 7 Champions, 1 pointed "Jesse" was # 6 Top Sheltie Puppy in Canada 2001 (tied with five others) in a handful of shows! [OFA # SS-10913G24M-PI, EYES CERF, VWD DNA CLEAR BY PARENTAGE] [Am CH Ozark Crest City Slicker ROM ROMC ex CH Barwoods Contessa ROMC] Notable Offspring:
CH Starswept Showtime "JJ"
Starswept Sheza Puka Princess CGN "Karley" Grandchildren:
BISS Am/Can CH Riverdance Dressed To Kilt "Rory"
3 majors (2 specialty majors, other major won under
breeder-judge) Great Grandchildren:
BPIG & Group
Placer CH Starswept
Strawberry Daquiri "Leila"
[OFA # SS-10954F25M-PI, EYES CERF # SS-4559, VWD DNA CLEAR BY PARENTAGE] [Am CH Ozark Crest City Slicker ROM ROMC ex CH Barwoods Contessa ROMC]
Jesse's & Jamie's
litter sister
PEDIGREE Am Ch Sunnybrook's Matchmaker Am Ch Sunnybrook's Heritage Spirit ROM Romanye's Close Encounter Am Ch Mainstay Attitude Adjustment Am Ch Macdega Mainstay Am Ch Mainstay Rumor Has It Montage Pardon My Past Am Ch Kylene Cindahope Town Cryer ROM Am/Can Ch Rorralore Sportin' Chance CD ROM Am Ch Rockwood's Gold Strike ROM Am Ch Rockwood's Sweet Charity Am Ch Cindahope's Crystal And Gold Am Ch Sir Joshua Of Winslow ROM Am Ch Park Ave's Crystal Clown CD Heatherledge Just For Fun CD Am Ch Ozark Crest City Slicker ROM ROMC Am Ch Benayr Here Comes Trouble ROM ROMC Am Ch Fourwind's Light The Way ROM Am Ch Fourwind's Go For The Gold Am Ch Trelane Bold Image Am Ch Simmore Something Special Trelane Woodwyn Imagine That Trelane Woodwyn Sarah Ann Am Ch Ozark Crest Abracadabra ROM Am Ch Sunnybrook's Matchmaker Am Ch Sunnybrook's Image Maker ROM Romanye's Close Encounter Ozark Crest Social Standing Am Ch Kensil's Saddle Tramp Ozark Crest So Fine Kensil's Desert Fawn Ch Starswept Barwood Breakaway Am Ch Catomco's Steela Holiday Am Ch Glademist Dueling Banjos ROM Lanbur Breeze on By Am Ch Jade Mist Beyond Tradition ROM ROMC Am Ch Jade Mist A Case In Point Jademist Social Climber Am Ch Jade Mist Windspell Am Ch Barwoods Firestorm BISS Am Ch Macdega Malibu ROM Am Ch Daval Resolute ROM Daval Nina Ricci Barwoods Because Of You ROM BISS Am Ch Macdega Glenhart Grand Prix ROM Am Ch Barwoods Just Because ROM Am Ch Barwood's Escapade Ch Barwoods Contessa ROMC Am Ch Macdega Maserati ROM BISS Am Ch Macdega Glenhart Grand Prix ROM Glenhart Ring of Gold Daval Chivas Regal Barwoods Status Seeker Am Ch Daval Incandescence Balenbrae Daval Adore Me Barwoods Gor-don Gabriella Am Ch Midas Citation of Sundial ROM Am Ch Barwoods Legal Tender ROM Am Ch Barwoods Love Affair Barwoods Party Favors Am Ch Sunnybrook's Heritage Spirit ROM Barwoods Anticipation Am Ch Barwoods Special Effects
"Trevah" [OFA # SS-4966G32M-T, EYES CERF # SS-2260, VWD DNA CLEAR # SS-VW32/60M-T] [Am Can Ch Kylene Cindahope Town Cryer ROM ex Am Ch Ozark Crest Abracadabra ROM]